
Darrin Crow

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402
Linn County
Business Type:  Independent Creative
Arts Instruction/Lessons
Cultural Education
Workshops / Demonstrations / Master Class
Literary Arts
Spoken Word

Darrin Crow weaves magical stories that enchant listeners and keep them asking for more. Whether he tells them in schools, libraries, museums, festivals, or an ancient Greek amphitheater, listeners say,  “I mean it when I say that I have never seen anyone keep the attention of a crowd the way you did with your stories!”  (Iowa City Public Library) Darrin uses his more than twenty years of storytelling experience to craft and bring to audiences wonder-filled folk and fairy tales and carefully researched historical stories.  He lives out his story from a home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with his wife, a couple of cats, and children who are just beginning the adventure of their adult lives.

Last Updated: November 17, 2023, expires: May. 10, 2025

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Race: White

Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino

Use this section to get the parent/child taxonomies for a single post being viewed

The above pulls in each of the parents within the artist-discipline taxonomy , which is good, if I want to display them alone without their children.
Terms: Arts Instruction/Lessons
Terms: Children’s
Terms: Childrens
Terms: Cultural Education
Terms: Education
Terms: Improv
Terms: Literary Arts
Terms: Playwriting
Terms: Puppet
Terms: Solo/One-Person
Terms: Spoken Word
Terms: Storytelling
Terms: Theater
Terms: Workshops / Demonstrations / Master Class

I need to probably display these like this:

Dance: Ballroom, General, Hip Hop, Jazz.

Design: General, Graphic

Will need to figure out how to return the sub categories (artist-discipline) for each parent individually and then loop through all parents assigned to the CPT (artist) being viewed.

In this section I was able to successfully pull all sub categories that belongs to the 2 parents selected. This could be good if I was trying to show all possible choices under that parent, but what I really need is to pull just the selected ones back.
In this section I was able to successfully pull all sub categories that belongs to the 2 parents selected. This could be good if I was trying to show all possible choices under that parent, but what I really need is to pull just the selected ones back.

Artist Work

Click on any of play buttons below to watch video examples.