
Isaac G Prior

Ames, Iowa 50010
Story County
Business Type:  Independent Creative

Artist Statement

What if? That question has always been a driving force of inspiration. If there could be a creature on this planet that can create light, with a chemical reaction in its thorax to attract a mate (a lightning bug), or the ability for a fungus to infect the brain of an ant, and turn them into a mindless, light seeking, insect (Ophiocordyceps unilateralis), why couldn’t there be a tortoise so large it could have a mountain on its back, or a bird that has command over fire? The universe is limitless and the thought of what is possible is
incomprehensible. With my art I focus on this and expand it even into the abstract realm of creativity.

With my artwork I try and create a feeling of serene beauty, as well as raising an eyebrow to get people thinking about the “What If?” I use a variety of materials but I have found a passion for pen and ink. It’s an unforgiving medium, but stunning and precise. Mistakes are easily seen and are hard to cover up. Most of my artwork doesn’t happen quickly, I spend weeks and sometimes months creating a piece. Some pieces have well over thirty hours of work in them.

I do not see art as a choice or as something that can be ignored. All humans are creative and show creativity in different ways, and if looked at every profession or line of work is creative. Art isn’t something that I choose to do, art is something that I am
compelled to create. It is second nature, just like why a fish swims, it is its way of being.

Services for hire

I am an abstract line artist. I am willing and able to do commission pieces, and have an extensive backlog of pieces ready to be framed and sold. I have created a couple murals and am able to do more. I create my pieces on paper, wood, or walls. My skills are transferable from small creations to large ones.

I have done a few demonstrations and given a couple talks on my creative style and process. I am fully able and willing to do more of that.

Commission pieces are piece to piece, sometimes I don’t think my specific style will fit the proposed piece and will be honest and forthcoming about that.

Last Updated: November 15, 2023, expires: Apr. 26, 2025

Race: White


Use this section to get the parent/child taxonomies for a single post being viewed

The above pulls in each of the parents within the artist-discipline taxonomy , which is good, if I want to display them alone without their children.
Terms: Illustration/Drawing
Terms: Jewelry
Terms: Mural
Terms: Sculpture
Terms: Visual

I need to probably display these like this:

Dance: Ballroom, General, Hip Hop, Jazz.

Design: General, Graphic

Will need to figure out how to return the sub categories (artist-discipline) for each parent individually and then loop through all parents assigned to the CPT (artist) being viewed.

In this section I was able to successfully pull all sub categories that belongs to the 2 parents selected. This could be good if I was trying to show all possible choices under that parent, but what I really need is to pull just the selected ones back.
In this section I was able to successfully pull all sub categories that belongs to the 2 parents selected. This could be good if I was trying to show all possible choices under that parent, but what I really need is to pull just the selected ones back.

Artist Work

    Click on any of play buttons below to watch video examples.