
Jess Quinn

Urbandale, Iowa 50322
Polk County
Business Type:  Independent Creative
Arts Instruction/Lessons
Workshops / Demonstrations / Master Class
Mixed Media

Jess Quinn is a former public-school teacher whose passion for education has seamlessly intertwined with her love for art, resulting in a unique blend of both her passions. She works from her studio (#200) located in Mainframe Studios in Des Moines, where she creates large botanical paintings that are both striking and immersive. Her gallery is adorned with these botanical paintings, showcasing the intricate details and vibrant colors of the natural world. Jess is more than just an artist; she’s also a dedicated educator, offering private lessons, group classes, artist demos, and workshops to help others explore their artistic potential.

Jess knows how to share her passion for art with others and she wants to inspire and instruct others. That’s why she offers artist demos and workshops where she guides up to 25 participants on their artistic journey as well as private lessons and group classes. One of the best things about Jess’s workshops is their flexibility. Whether you’re a beginner wanting to learn the basics or an experienced artist looking to refine your skills, Jess can customize the workshop to suit your needs. She covers a wide range of techniques and styles, including collage, painting, drawing, and mixed media.

In addition to her workshops and classes, Jess is also available for floral or botanical painting commissions. If you have a specific botanical you want created for your space, Jess can bring your ideas to life on canvas.

Jess Quinn’s story is a testament to the power of creativity. Her journey from the classroom to the canvas demonstrates how art can transform lives. And her artist demos, workshops, and commissioned works are the bridge that connects her artistic journey to others, making the world of art accessible to all. Jess is more than an artist; she’s a teacher and guide who can help you discover your own creative potential.

If you’re interested in joining one of Jess’s classes, want to set up a workshop, inquire about her gallery, or simply want to learn more, you can reach out to her via email at or check out her website, . She’s open to inquiries from individuals, groups, or organizations, and she’s ready to help you unlock your creative potential.

Last Updated: November 15, 2023, expires: Apr. 12, 2025

Race: White

Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino

Use this section to get the parent/child taxonomies for a single post being viewed

The above pulls in each of the parents within the artist-discipline taxonomy , which is good, if I want to display them alone without their children.
Terms: Arts Instruction/Lessons
Terms: Education
Terms: Mixed Media
Terms: Painting
Terms: Visual
Terms: Workshops / Demonstrations / Master Class

I need to probably display these like this:

Dance: Ballroom, General, Hip Hop, Jazz.

Design: General, Graphic

Will need to figure out how to return the sub categories (artist-discipline) for each parent individually and then loop through all parents assigned to the CPT (artist) being viewed.

In this section I was able to successfully pull all sub categories that belongs to the 2 parents selected. This could be good if I was trying to show all possible choices under that parent, but what I really need is to pull just the selected ones back.
In this section I was able to successfully pull all sub categories that belongs to the 2 parents selected. This could be good if I was trying to show all possible choices under that parent, but what I really need is to pull just the selected ones back.

Artist Work
