
Judith Eastburn

Des Moines, Iowa Iowa
Polk County
Business Type:  Independent Creative
Workshops / Demonstrations / Master Class

I believe we are profoundly affected by the landscape of our childhood.  It establishes our sense of space and how we fit into it, and we recognize as familiar those places encountered later in life which resemble it.  I was born in Iowa, and grew up in the southeast corner near the Mississippi River in an area of limestone bluffs and wooded ravines.  Visits to my grandparents meant drives to central Iowa through gently rising and falling open fields.  These are the landscapes which serve as my point of reference when I photograph in other parts of the world.  I think Iowa and its openness made me aware of the horizon and sensitive to smaller variations in the land’s surface.

About the elevators….

These portraits of rural architecture are a tribute to their defiant endurance in the landscape.  They are also a celebration of the beautiful details and textures revealed as the sunlight falls across surfaces of corrugated tin, flat metal sheets or bare wood. 

Last Updated: November 15, 2023, expires: Mar. 25, 2025

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Race: White

Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino

Use this section to get the parent/child taxonomies for a single post being viewed

The above pulls in each of the parents within the artist-discipline taxonomy , which is good, if I want to display them alone without their children.
Terms: Education
Terms: Photography
Terms: Visual
Terms: Workshops / Demonstrations / Master Class

I need to probably display these like this:

Dance: Ballroom, General, Hip Hop, Jazz.

Design: General, Graphic

Will need to figure out how to return the sub categories (artist-discipline) for each parent individually and then loop through all parents assigned to the CPT (artist) being viewed.

In this section I was able to successfully pull all sub categories that belongs to the 2 parents selected. This could be good if I was trying to show all possible choices under that parent, but what I really need is to pull just the selected ones back.
In this section I was able to successfully pull all sub categories that belongs to the 2 parents selected. This could be good if I was trying to show all possible choices under that parent, but what I really need is to pull just the selected ones back.

Artist Work
