
Rachel Terlop

Indianola, Iowa 50125
Warren County
Business Type:  Independent Creative
Arts Instruction/Lessons
Cultural Education
Curriculum Development
Workshops / Demonstrations / Master Class
Literary Arts
Mixed Media

As an artist and Early Childhood Special Education professor, my creative journey has been driven by a profound passion for integrating art and technology to enrich the educational experience for young minds. My idea for filling gallery space with my paintings and linocut prints is entitled: “Harmonious Fusion: Where Colors and Codes Converge,” which represents the culmination of this journey—a vibrant exploration of the symbiotic relationship between traditional artistry and the boundless potential of modern technology. Moving to Iowa from Washington, D.C. in June 2023, I am nostalgic for the integration of technology and art, as I spent my free time and focused my PhD research around the National Gallery of Art, Planet Word, and Artechouse.  

Through the medium acrylic paint, canvas, and other tools like conductive paint and the integration of QR codes, my artwork serves as a canvas for this convergence. Conductive paint, with its ability to bridge the gap between the tangible and the digital, allows me to infuse energy and light into my creations. The QR codes seamlessly embedded within the artwork invite the audience to delve deeper into the story, accessing a world of multimedia resources and engaging in an interactive exploration of language and culture with the intention of creating conversation and play.

In essence, this artwork is an invitation—to both children and adults—to embrace the budding relationship of art and technology. It is a testament to the limitless possibilities that emerge when we open ourselves to innovative approaches in art education. As a professor, I believe in nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration from an early age. By intertwining the tactile pleasure of painting with the curiosity-driven world of digital exploration, we create an environment where young learners can flourish and grow, not only as artists but as well-rounded individuals. My intent is to promote developmentally appropriate technology use, invite parents of young children into the art space, and facilitate learning through my art.

Last Updated: May 1, 2024, expires: Jan. 01, 1970

Race: White

Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino

Use this section to get the parent/child taxonomies for a single post being viewed

The above pulls in each of the parents within the artist-discipline taxonomy , which is good, if I want to display them alone without their children.
Terms: Arts Instruction/Lessons
Terms: Childrens
Terms: Cultural Education
Terms: Curriculum Development
Terms: Education
Terms: Literary Arts
Terms: Mixed Media
Terms: Painting
Terms: Poetry
Terms: Printmaking
Terms: Visual
Terms: Workshops / Demonstrations / Master Class

I need to probably display these like this:

Dance: Ballroom, General, Hip Hop, Jazz.

Design: General, Graphic

Will need to figure out how to return the sub categories (artist-discipline) for each parent individually and then loop through all parents assigned to the CPT (artist) being viewed.

In this section I was able to successfully pull all sub categories that belongs to the 2 parents selected. This could be good if I was trying to show all possible choices under that parent, but what I really need is to pull just the selected ones back.
In this section I was able to successfully pull all sub categories that belongs to the 2 parents selected. This could be good if I was trying to show all possible choices under that parent, but what I really need is to pull just the selected ones back.